Let's Practice Adding and Subtracting Integers!! Answer the following problems in the space below. Label your answers 1-4. 1) −3 + 10= 2) 6+2= 3) 5−−12= 4) 1−​7=

1) -3 + 10 = 7

2) 6 + 2 = 8
3) 5 - (-12) = 17
4) 1 - 7 = -6

To solve these problems, you can use the rules of addition and subtraction for integers. Remember that adding a positive number is the same as moving to the right on a number line, and adding a negative number is the same as moving to the left. Subtracting a positive number is the same as moving to the left, and subtracting a negative number is the same as moving to the right.

Here are the solutions to the problems:

1) To add -3 and 10, start at -3 on the number line and move 10 units to the right. The answer is 7. Label: 1) 7

2) To add 6 and 2, start at 6 on the number line and move 2 units to the right. The answer is 8. Label: 2) 8

3) To subtract -12 from 5, start at 5 on the number line and move 12 units to the left (since -12 is negative). The answer is 17. Label: 3) 17

4) To subtract 7 from 1, start at 1 on the number line and move 7 units to the left. The answer is -6. Label: 4) -6

Remember to always pay attention to the signs and direction on the number line when adding or subtracting integers!

Sure! Here are the step-by-step solutions to the problems:

1) −3 + 10:

To add these integers, we simply add their values:

-3 + 10 = 7

Answer: 1) 7

2) 6 + 2:

Similar to the previous problem, we add the values of these integers:

6 + 2 = 8

Answer: 2) 8

3) 5 − −12:

To subtract two integers, we change the subtraction sign to addition and change the sign of the integer being subtracted. Then, we perform the addition:

5 + 12 = 17

Answer: 3) 17

4) 1 − ​7:

Again, we change the subtraction sign to addition and change the sign of the integer being subtracted:

1 + (-7) = -6

Answer: 4) -6