Which of the following are reasons that the British may have decided Savannah was a good target for them to recapture (select two)?(2 points)%0D%0AResponses%0D%0A%0D%0AThey thought they would find gold in Savannah%0D%0AThey thought they would find gold in Savannah%0D%0A%0D%0AThey wanted to control the port to eliminate Patriot access to trade%0D%0AThey wanted to control the port to eliminate Patriot access to trade%0D%0A%0D%0ALoyalist support was stronger in Georgia than other colonies%0D%0ALoyalist support was stronger in Georgia than other colonies%0D%0A%0D%0ASavannah had become the capital of the 13 colonies.

The two reasons that the British may have decided Savannah was a good target for them to recapture are:

1. They wanted to control the port to eliminate Patriot access to trade
2. Loyalist support was stronger in Georgia than other colonies

The British may have decided that Savannah was a good target for them to recapture for two reasons:

1) They wanted to control the port to eliminate Patriot access to trade.

Control of the port would allow the British to disrupt Patriot trade routes and weaken the colonial economy. By capturing Savannah, they could gain a strategic advantage by controlling a key entry point for goods and supplies.

To verify this answer, you can look into historical accounts and documents that discuss the British military strategy during the American Revolutionary War and their focus on capturing strategic ports, such as Savannah.

2) Loyalist support was stronger in Georgia than other colonies.

The British may have identified Georgia as a region with a higher concentration of Loyalist sympathizers compared to other colonies. Loyalists were colonists who remained loyal to the British Crown and opposed the Patriot cause. By targeting Savannah, the British could rally local Loyalists and potentially gain their support, making it easier to regain control over the region.

To confirm this answer, you could research historical accounts and primary sources that discuss the prevalence of Loyalist sentiment in Georgia during the American Revolutionary War.

The two reasons that the British may have decided Savannah was a good target for them to recapture are:

1. They wanted to control the port to eliminate Patriot access to trade.
2. Loyalist support was stronger in Georgia than other colonies.