The universal sign for choking is:(1 point)


Clutching the throat

Inability to cough forcefully.

The inability to speak.

Loss of consciousness.

The universal sign for choking is clutching the throat.

The universal sign for choking is clutching the throat. When someone is choking, they have difficulty breathing and may instinctively reach for their throat or neck area to indicate that they are in distress. Clutching the throat is a common response because it is a natural attempt to clear the obstruction and regain airflow. This is often accompanied by the inability to cough forcefully or speak, which are also signs of choking. Another possible response to choking is loss of consciousness, which can occur if the airway remains blocked and oxygen supply to the brain is reduced. However, loss of consciousness is not always present in every choking incident. It's important to recognize these signs and act quickly to assist someone who is choking, as they may require immediate medical attention.

The universal sign for choking is clutching the throat.