This architectural design was created by

(1 point)
• using an organic pattern in the form of a tessellation.
• using a geometric pattern in the form a tessellation.
• using no definite pattern and placing shapes randomly.
O using patterns that alternate between geometric and organic.

The correct answer is:

• using patterns that alternate between geometric and organic.

The architectural design was created by using a geometric pattern in the form of a tessellation.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what a tessellation is and how it relates to architectural design.

A tessellation is a repeating pattern of shapes that completely covers a plane without any gaps or overlaps. These shapes can be geometric, such as squares, triangles, or hexagons, or organic, which represent the irregular shapes found in nature.

Now let's analyze each option:

1. Using an organic pattern in the form of a tessellation: This implies that the repeating pattern in the architectural design consists of organic shapes (natural irregular shapes) arranged in a tessellating manner.

2. Using a geometric pattern in the form of a tessellation: This suggests that the design incorporates regular geometric shapes that form a tessellating pattern.

3. Using no definite pattern and placing shapes randomly: This implies that there is no intentional pattern or arrangement of shapes, and they are placed randomly without any tessellation.

4. Using patterns that alternate between geometric and organic: This option suggests that the design utilizes both geometric and organic shapes in a tessellating pattern, creating alternating patterns.

Based on these explanations, it can be concluded that the correct answer is "Using patterns that alternate between geometric and organic." This means that the architectural design incorporates a combination of regular geometric shapes and irregular organic shapes in a tessellation pattern.