The most desirable opals are known as a precious opal. They have a special iridescent quality as you move the opal under light it shows a spectrum of colors which word provides the best context clues for the meaning of iridescent. Is it OP quality, desirable, or transparent variety, opals, or variety, light spectrum of colors or opal special precious


In this context, the best word that provides context clues for the meaning of "iridescent" is "variety." The sentence mentions that the opals have a special iridescent quality, which means they display a spectrum of colors as you move them under light. This implies that "iridescent" refers to the varied or diverse range of colors exhibited by the opals.

The word that provides the best context clues for the meaning of iridescent in the given sentence is "shows a spectrum of colors." This phrase suggests that the opal has a quality that allows it to display a range of colors when it is moved under light, which is the characteristic of something being iridescent.