Use the selection of words given in the following sentences.

The __________ climate zone is hot with a lot of rain. It makes sense that this zone has ______people because the rain and warmth allow ___________natural resources to exist there.

Given words: Mediterranean, Tropical, Many, few

The tropical climate zone is hot with a lot of rain. It makes sense that this zone has many people because the rain and warmth allow abundant natural resources to exist there.

The word "hot" in the first sentence suggests that the climate zone being described is either "Mediterranean" or "Tropical," as both of these climate zones are known for their warm temperatures. To determine the correct climate zone, we need to consider the information in the second sentence.

The second sentence mentions "__________ people." We are given the options "Many" and "few" to fill in the blank. Since the climate zone is characterized by a hot climate with a lot of rain, it is more likely that there would be "many" people living in this region, as these conditions can support a larger population.

Lastly, the third and final sentence refers to the existence of "__________ natural resources." Again, we have two options to choose from: "Mediterranean" and "Tropical." In this case, we can determine that the correct answer is "Mediterranean" since the Mediterranean climate is known for its rich and diverse natural resources.

Therefore, the completed sentences would be:
The Mediterranean climate zone is hot with a lot of rain. It makes sense that this zone has many people because the rain and warmth allow Mediterranean natural resources to exist there.

The Tropical climate zone is hot with a lot of rain. It makes sense that this zone has many people because the rain and warmth allow abundant natural resources to exist there.