The answers on the right list historical milestones in computing. Drag the answers into historical order on the left, from earliest to latest.

Fill in the missing pieces:

Choose from the following choices:
ENIAC stores programs as wires and switches
ENIAC stores programs in computer memory
Transistors replace vacuum tubes
Microprocessors evolve from integrated circuits
Integrated circuits combine many electronic components into a mass-manufactured component

1. ENIAC stores programs as wires and switches

2. Transistors replace vacuum tubes
3. ENIAC stores programs in computer memory
4. Integrated circuits combine many electronic components into a mass-manufactured component
5. Microprocessors evolve from integrated circuits

1. ENIAC stores programs as wires and switches

2. Transistors replace vacuum tubes
3. Integrated circuits combine many electronic components into a mass-manufactured component
4. ENIAC stores programs in computer memory
5. Microprocessors evolve from integrated circuits

To answer this question and put the milestones in historical order, follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding the given milestones and their chronological order:
- ENIAC stores programs as wires and switches
- ENIAC stores programs in computer memory
- Transistors replace vacuum tubes
- Microprocessors evolve from integrated circuits
- Integrated circuits combine many electronic components into a mass-manufactured component

2. Look for historical moments that can help determine the order. In this case, we can refer to the development of computing technology.

3. Start with the earliest milestone you can identify. In this case, it is "ENIAC stores programs as wires and switches." This refers to the ENIAC computer, which was one of the earliest electronic computers. It used a combination of wires and switches to store programs and information.

4. Next, look for a milestone that is more recent than the previous one. The next milestone in this case is "Transistors replace vacuum tubes." Transistors were a significant advancement in computing technology and were developed after the use of vacuum tubes.

5. Now that we have two milestones in order, move on to the next one. "ENIAC stores programs in computer memory" would come after "ENIAC stores programs as wires and switches." This milestone refers to the advancement of storage technology in computers.

6. The next milestone is "Microprocessors evolve from integrated circuits." Integrated circuits, which combine many electronic components into a single chip, were invented before microprocessors. Microprocessors are a more advanced form of integrated circuits, so they would come after the development of integrated circuits.

7. Finally, we have the last milestone, which is "Integrated circuits combine many electronic components into a mass-manufactured component." This milestone refers to the invention and development of integrated circuits, which paved the way for more compact and efficient electronic devices.

So, the historical order of the milestones is:
1. ENIAC stores programs as wires and switches.
2. Transistors replace vacuum tubes.
3. ENIAC stores programs in computer memory.
4. Integrated circuits combine many electronic components into a mass-manufactured component.
5. Microprocessors evolve from integrated circuits.