Use the following image to answer the question.

What note completes this D minor chord?
A segment of a treble-clef staff is shown with two whole notes on D and A.

(1 point)

F sharp
F sharp

F natural
F natural

G natural
G natural

C natural

The correct answer is G natural.

To determine the note that completes the D minor chord based on the given image, we need to find the note that is missing from the segment of the treble-clef staff.

First, let's identify the notes that are already present in the D minor chord. The two whole notes shown in the image are D and A.

To complete the D minor chord, we need to find the third note, which is the note that is two scale steps above D. In the D minor scale, the third note is F.

Now, let's look at the answer options provided:

- F sharp: This is not correct because the third note in the D minor scale is F natural, not F sharp.
- F natural: This is the correct answer since F natural is the third note in the D minor scale and completes the D minor chord.
- G natural: This is incorrect because G natural is not the third note in the D minor scale.
- C natural: This is incorrect because C natural is not the missing note that completes the D minor chord.

Therefore, based on the given image, the note that completes the D minor chord is F natural.

To determine the note that completes the D minor chord, we need to refer to the given image. The image shows two whole notes on D and A.

To form a D minor chord, we would need to add the third note of the D minor scale, which is F natural.

Therefore, the correct answer is F natural.