What organizational strategy would be used to write an informative essay about why it is important to wear sunscreen?

A. Compare/contrast
B. Cause/effect
C. Definition
D. Classification

B. Cause/effect

B. Cause/effect

The organizational strategy that would be used to write an informative essay about why it is important to wear sunscreen is B. Cause/effect.

To explain why it is important to wear sunscreen, a cause/effect strategy would be most appropriate. This strategy focuses on exploring the causes (reasons) behind the importance of wearing sunscreen and the effects (consequences) of not wearing sunscreen.

In your essay, you would first introduce the topic and provide a clear thesis statement that highlights the importance of wearing sunscreen. Then, you would present several causes or reasons that support your thesis. These causes could include information about the harmful effects of UV rays from the sun, the risk of skin cancer, and the damage to the skin caused by sunburn.

After presenting the causes, you would then explore the effects or consequences of not wearing sunscreen. This might include discussing the increased likelihood of sunburn, premature aging of the skin, and the potential long-term health risks associated with prolonged sun exposure without protection.

Throughout your essay, you would use clear and logical transitions to connect the causes with their corresponding effects, helping the reader understand the relationship between them. By using the cause/effect organizational strategy, you can effectively convey the importance of wearing sunscreen and present a well-structured and persuasive essay.