Which Southeast Asian nation escaped European rule?

(1 point)

O Malaysia


O Singapore



The Southeast Asian nation that escaped European rule is Thailand.

The Southeast Asian nation that escaped European rule is Thailand. To determine the correct answer to this question, it is useful to have a basic understanding of the colonial history of Southeast Asia.

During the 19th century, European powers such as Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Spain embarked on colonizing various parts of Southeast Asia. These colonial powers established control over territories and exploited their resources for economic and political gains.

However, Thailand (formerly known as Siam) successfully maintained its independence during this period. It strategically played the European powers against one another, ensuring that no single country could establish full control over the nation. Through a combination of diplomacy, territorial concessions, reforms, and modernization efforts, Thailand maintained its sovereignty and remained the only Southeast Asian country to escape direct European colonial rule.

Therefore, the correct answer is Thailand.