The suffix -ant means "tending to," and the word root -vig means "watchful." Which word is the best synonym for vigilant?

The best synonym for vigilant would be "vigilant." The root -vig, meaning "watchful," matches the meaning of the word, and the suffix -ant, which means "tending to," fits well with the concept of being watchful. Therefore, there is no need for another synonym as it would not accurately capture the intended meaning.

The word "vigilant" means watchful or attentive. Considering that the word root "-vig" means "watchful," and the suffix "-ant" means "tending to," a word with a similar meaning would be "observant." Therefore, "observant" is the best synonym for "vigilant."

To identify the best synonym for vigilant, we can break down the meaning of the word. As you mentioned, the word root "vig" means "watchful." So, we need to find a word that also conveys a sense of being watchful. In this case, we can use a few strategies:

1. Use a Thesaurus: Look up the word "vigilant" in a thesaurus. A thesaurus provides synonyms and antonyms for words, which can help us find another word with a similar meaning. Consider words like "alert," "observant," or "attentive." These words may convey the sense of being watchful, which is what we are looking for.

2. Contextual Clues: Consider the context in which the word "vigilant" is used. Words that indicate being watchful or attentive could be potential synonyms. For example, if the sentence mentions being on the lookout for danger or being aware of one's surroundings, words like "cautious," "careful," or "vigilant" itself could be appropriate synonyms.

By using a thesaurus or considering contextual clues, we can find the best synonym for vigilant.