Choose the meaning of the bold word in the following question.

If there be one among you that is willing / to have my absolution for a shilling. (The Canterbury Tales, “The Pardoner’s Tale")
(1 point)

prayer garment
prayer garment



remission of sin

remission of sin

The meaning of the bold word "absolution" in the given context is "remission of sin".

The meaning of the bold word "absolution" in the given question is "remission of sin." Absolution refers to the act of being pardoned or forgiven for one's sins. In this context, the speaker is referring to someone who is willing to pay a shilling in exchange for being granted forgiveness or absolution for their sins.

To arrive at this answer, you can first identify the word "absolution" among the choices and then consider its meaning based on the context of the sentence. In "The Canterbury Tales, ‘The Pardoner’s Tale," the speaker is a pardoner who sells indulgences, which are essentially certificates of forgiveness or absolution. Therefore, the correct meaning is "remission of sin" since it aligns with the theme of pardoning and forgiveness in the text.