Which option shows all allele combinations that can be used to represent a purebred animal?(1 point)



TT or Tt
TT or Tt


TT or tt

TT or TT

The option that shows all allele combinations that can be used to represent a purebred animal is:

TT or tt

The correct option that shows all allele combinations that can be used to represent a purebred animal is option TT or tt.

To understand why, let's first define what a purebred animal is. A purebred animal refers to an animal that has two identical alleles for a particular trait. In this case, we will use the letter "T" to represent the allele for the trait.

Now, each individual receives one allele from each parent, meaning it has two alleles for every trait. In a purebred animal, both alleles will be the same. For example, if the animal is purebred for the dominant trait, both alleles will be uppercase "T" (TT). If the animal is purebred for the recessive trait, both alleles will be lowercase "t" (tt).

The option TT or tt represents the two possible combinations for a purebred animal. It includes TT, which signifies the animal is purebred for the dominant trait, and tt, which indicates the animal is purebred for the recessive trait.