Which angle corresponds to angle 8?

Line l is parallel to line m. These lines are horizontal with line l above line m. Eight angles are formed when a transversal crosses lines l and m. Each angle formed is labeled with a number. The angles formed by the transversal and line l are labeled as follows, clockwise from the top left: 1, 2, 4, 3. The angles formed by the transversal and line m are labeled as follows, clockwise from the top left: 5, 6, 8, 7.
Angle 1 is above line l and to the left of the intersecting line.
Angle 2 is above line l and to the right of the intersecting line.
Angle 3 is below line l and to the left of the intersecting line.
Angle 4 is below line l and to the right of the intersecting line.
Angle 5 is above line m and to the left of the intersecting line.
Angle 6 is above line m and to the right of the intersecting line.
Angle 7 is below line m and to the left of the intersecting line.
Angle 8 is below line m and to the right of the intersecting line.
(1 point)

angle 2
Image with alt text: angle 2

angle 4
Image with alt text: angle 4

angle 6
Image with alt text: angle 6

angle 8

Image with alt text: angle 8

Angle 8 corresponds to the angle below line m and to the right of the intersecting line.

To determine which angle corresponds to angle 8, we need to refer to the given information about the angles formed by the transversal and lines l and m.

According to the description, angle 8 is formed by the transversal and line m. It is below line m and to the right of the intersecting line.

Based on this information, angle 8 corresponds to the angle formed by the transversal and line m, which means the correct answer is angle 8.