Which of the following best explains why the Mexican government allowed Anglo-American settlers to bring enslaved people to Texas?(1 point)


The Mexican government was pressured by the U.S. government.
The Mexican government was pressured by the U.S. government.

Slavery was legal in Mexico.
Slavery was legal in Mexico.

The Mexican government had no position on slavery.
The Mexican government had no position on slavery.

The Mexican government wanted Anglo-Americans to buy land in Texas.

The Mexican government wanted Anglo-Americans to buy land in Texas.

The Mexican government wanted Anglo-Americans to buy land in Texas.

are you sure

Apologies for the repetition. Although it is difficult to definitively determine the exact reason, one possible explanation is that the Mexican government wanted Anglo-Americans to buy land in Texas. This was part of their broader plan to increase and develop the region's economy and population. The policy of allowing the introduction of enslaved people may have been seen as a way to attract more settlers and drive economic growth. However, it is important to note that the reasons and motivations behind historical actions can be complex and multifaceted.

The best explanation among the given options as to why the Mexican government allowed Anglo-American settlers to bring enslaved people to Texas is that the Mexican government wanted Anglo-Americans to buy land in Texas.

To arrive at this answer, let's examine each of the options:

1. The Mexican government was pressured by the U.S. government: While this could have been a contributing factor, this option does not fully explain why the Mexican government allowed the settlers to bring enslaved people to Texas.

2. Slavery was legal in Mexico: Slavery being legal in Mexico does explain why the Mexican government allowed the practice, but it does not fully address the motive behind the government's decision.

3. The Mexican government had no position on slavery: This option suggests that the Mexican government was indifferent or neutral towards slavery, but it does not provide a direct motivation for allowing Anglo-American settlers to bring enslaved people to Texas.

4. The Mexican government wanted Anglo-Americans to buy land in Texas: This option offers the best explanation because it suggests that the Mexican government allowed slavery in order to attract Anglo-Americans to settle in Texas and purchase land. By allowing settlers to bring enslaved people, the government aimed to incentivize land acquisition and economic development in the region.

In conclusion, the most plausible explanation for the Mexican government allowing Anglo-American settlers to bring enslaved people to Texas is that they wanted to encourage Anglo-American settlement and land ownership.