They rule of law established under Hammurabi was the idea that

everyone in society, including the king, was subject to a set of laws that governed their behavior. These laws were written down and displayed publicly for everyone to see. The idea behind this was to create a sense of justice and fairness, as well as to ensure that the powerful did not abuse their authority. The laws covered a wide range of subjects, including crime, property rights, and family law. Punishments for breaking the laws were often severe, and were meant to act as deterrents for potential wrongdoers. Overall, the rule of law established by Hammurabi aimed to provide stability and order in society.

the laws should apply to everyone equally regardless of social status or power.

the law should be fair and equitable, and applied equally to all. The Code of Hammurabi, developed by King Hammurabi of ancient Babylon, dates back to around 1754 BCE and is one of the earliest known legal codes. It consists of 282 laws that cover a wide range of aspects of ancient Babylonian society.

In order to understand the idea behind the rule of law established under Hammurabi, it is important to note that it was based on the principle of lex talionis, or "the law of retaliation." This principle suggests that punishment should be proportional to the crime committed.

To get a deeper understanding of this topic, you can explore the following steps:

1. Study the Code of Hammurabi: Read through the laws and their corresponding punishments outlined in the Code of Hammurabi. This will give you a clear picture of the principles and ideas behind the legal system established under Hammurabi.

2. Analyze historical context: Gain an understanding of the time period in which Hammurabi ruled and the societal factors that influenced the development of the legal system. Consider the political and social structures, as well as the role of Hammurabi as a powerful king.

3. Research scholarly interpretations: Read scholarly articles, books, or essays that discuss the Code of Hammurabi and the rule of law established under Hammurabi. These sources can provide different perspectives and interpretations of the significance and impact of Hammurabi's legal system.

4. Comparative analysis: Compare Hammurabi's legal system with other ancient legal codes and modern legal systems. Consider the similarities and differences in terms of principles, punishments, and the idea of the rule of law.

By engaging in these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of the rule of law established under Hammurabi and its significance in the development of legal systems throughout history.