When did most nations in Southeast Asia gain independence from Western powers?

(1 point)

after World War II

after World War II

during the Japanese occupation

during the Japanese occupation

before World War II

before World War II

during the Vietnam War

Most nations in Southeast Asia gained independence from Western powers after World War II.

Most nations in Southeast Asia gained independence from Western powers after World War II.

Drag and drop events in Indochina leading up to the Vietnam War. Put them in the correct order from the most distant past (at the top) to the most recent (at the bottom).

(1 point)

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

After independence, Malaysia and Singapore had authoritarian governments in which

After independence, Malaysia and Singapore had authoritarian governments in which power was concentrated in the hands of a few leaders.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

After independence, Malaysia and Singapore had authoritarian governments in which
citizens were barred from voting and participating in government
is this right

No, that is not correct. After independence, Malaysia and Singapore had authoritarian governments in which power was concentrated in the hands of a few leaders, but citizens were not necessarily barred from voting and participating in government.

How have the Philippines and Indonesia become more democratic in recent decades?

(1 point)

The military led coups to seize power.

The military led coups to seize power.

Dictators imposed new constitutions.

Dictators imposed new constitutions.

Civil wars divided the countries between governments.

Civil wars divided the countries between governments.

Popular movements demanded and won elected governments.

Popular movements demanded and won elected governments.

1. French colonization of Indochina

2. Establishment of the Indochinese Communist Party
3. Japanese occupation of Indochina during World War II
4. Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam's independence
5. French reoccupation of Indochina
6. First Indochina War between the Viet Minh and the French
7. Geneva Accords divide Vietnam into North and South
8. Vietnam War begins with the Gulf of Tonkin Incident