
To calculate 4/7 of 28.42, you must multiply 4/7 by 28.42.

(4/7) * 28.42 = 16.22

To calculate 4/7 multiplied by 28.42, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply 4/7 by 28.42.
4/7 * 28.42 = 16.171428571428573

Step 2: Round the result to the desired number of decimal places if necessary.
Since 16.171428571428573 already has some decimal places, you can round it to your desired number of decimal places.

Thus, 4/7 * 28.42 equals approximately 16.17 (rounded to two decimal places).

To solve the expression 4/7 × 28.42, you need to perform the multiplication and division operations in the correct order of operations, known as the "PEMDAS" rule (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

Step 1: Perform the multiplication operation.
4/7 × 28.42 = 113.68/7

Step 2: Perform the division operation.
113.68 divided by 7 = 16.24

Therefore, 4/7 × 28.42 equals 16.24.