Assess the difference between mainstream news media and individually created news media.(1 point)


The mainstream news media is usually more reliable than individually created news media.
The mainstream news media is usually more reliable than individually created news media.

The mainstream news media is rarely created by qualified producers, and individually created news media is created by the government.
The mainstream news media is rarely created by qualified producers, and individually created news media is created by the government.

The mainstream news media is rarely used to communicate policies, while individually created news media is often used to communicate policies.
The mainstream news media is rarely used to communicate policies, while individually created news media is often used to communicate policies.

The mainstream news media is not organized in its delivery of the news, whereas individually created news media is.

The mainstream news media is typically organized in its delivery of the news, whereas individually created news media may lack organization.

The mainstream news media is usually more reliable than individually created news media. The mainstream news media is typically produced by qualified journalists and follows ethical standards and fact-checking processes. On the other hand, individually created news media may lack the same level of professionalism and adherence to journalistic principles. However, it is important to note that there can be exceptions to this generalization, as some individually created news media outlets uphold high standards of accuracy and reliability.

The assessment of the difference between mainstream news media and individually created news media can be determined by evaluating four key points:

1. Reliability: Mainstream news media is generally considered to be more reliable than individually created news media. This is because mainstream media outlets usually have established editorial standards, fact-checking processes, and journalistic codes of ethics. They often employ trained journalists with extensive experience and resources to verify information before publishing or broadcasting it to the public. On the other hand, individually created news media may lack these standards, leading to a higher potential for misinformation, bias, or lack of credibility.

To assess the reliability of a news source, one can consider factors such as the reputation of the news outlet, the track record of accurate reporting, and whether they follow journalistic principles like sourcing information from multiple independent sources.

2. Qualification of Producers: The claim that mainstream news media is rarely created by qualified producers, while individually created news media is created by the government, is incorrect. Mainstream news media outlets usually employ qualified journalists and reporters who have relevant education, training, and experience in the field of journalism. While there may be instances of unqualified individuals creating content for mainstream media, it is not the norm.

Individually created news media can include a wide range of sources, from bloggers and social media influencers to citizen journalists. While some of these individuals may have expertise in specific fields, it is important to critically evaluate their qualifications, expertise, and credibility when assessing the accuracy and trustworthiness of their news content.

3. Policy Communication: The claim that mainstream news media is rarely used to communicate policies, while individually created news media is often used to communicate policies, may vary depending on the specific context or region being considered. Mainstream news media outlets often play a significant role in reporting and analyzing policy decisions, particularly those related to government and public affairs. They provide in-depth coverage, interviews, and analysis of policy issues, as well as diverse perspectives.

In some cases, individuals, government agencies, or organizations may use individually created news media, such as press releases, official social media accounts, or dedicated websites, to directly communicate policies. However, this does not mean that mainstream news media outlets do not cover or communicate policies themselves.

4. Organization in News Delivery: The claim that mainstream news media is not organized in its delivery of the news, whereas individually created news media is, may not be accurate. Mainstream news media outlets generally have structured editorial processes and production workflows to ensure consistent and organized delivery of news content. They follow editorial guidelines, story selection criteria, and established journalistic principles. This organization helps in presenting news stories in a coherent and structured manner.

Individually created news media can vary widely in terms of organization and structure. While some individual creators may have a well-defined process and organization for their news content, others may lack such structure and present information in a more haphazard or unorganized manner. It is important to evaluate the reliability and organization of an individual news source before considering it as a credible and organized news outlet.

Overall, the assessment of mainstream news media and individually created news media requires critical evaluation of factors such as reliability, qualification of producers, policy coverage, and organization in news delivery. It is essential to employ media literacy skills, fact-checking techniques, and critical thinking to determine the credibility and accuracy of news content from various sources.