Oh, fairy carries passengers a distance of 3 5/8 smiles across the river the fairy made 33 trips across the river and one day

The ferry carried passengers a distance of 3 5/8 miles across the river. The ferry made 33 trips across the river in one day.

To find the total distance the ferry carried passengers in one day, we need to multiply the distance per trip by the number of trips the fairy made.

First, let's convert the distance of 3 5/8 smiles into a decimal.

3 5/8 = 3.625

Now, we can calculate the total distance in one trip:

Distance per trip = 3.625 smiles

Next, we need to multiply the distance per trip by the number of trips:

Total distance in one day = Distance per trip x Number of trips

Total distance in one day = 3.625 smiles x 33 trips

Calculating this, we get:

Total distance in one day = 119.625 smiles

Therefore, the fairy carried passengers a total distance of 119.625 smiles across the river in one day.

To find the total distance the ferry traveled in one day, we need to multiply the distance of each trip by the number of trips made.

First, let's convert the mixed number 3 5/8 to an improper fraction.

To convert 3 5/8 to an improper fraction:
Multiply the whole number (3) by the denominator (8) and add the numerator (5). Then, put the result over the denominator.
3 * 8 = 24 + 5 = 29. The improper fraction is 29/8.

Now, let's multiply the distance of each trip by the number of trips made.
29/8 * 33 = (29 * 33) / 8.

To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators together and the denominators together.
29 * 33 = 957.
8 remains as the denominator.

Therefore, the fairy traveled a total distance of 957/8 miles across the river in one day.