Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, November Voting and Registration Supplement: 2018 to 2022.

Which factor kept the most eligible voters from voting in the 2018 election?

(1 point)

illness or disability
illness or disability

forgot to vote (or send in absentee ballot)
forgot to vote (or send in absentee ballot)

not interested, felt my vote wouldn’t make a difference
not interested, felt my vote wouldn’t make a difference

out of town or away from home

out of town or away from home

The factor that kept the most eligible voters from voting in the 2018 election, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey, was not being interested and feeling like their vote wouldn't make a difference.

Based on the given responses, we can see that the most eligible voters in the 2018 election were kept from voting due to various factors. However, the question is asking which factor kept the most eligible voters from voting. Unfortunately, the given responses do not provide specific information about the number of voters affected by each factor.

To determine the factor that kept the most eligible voters from voting in the 2018 election, we can refer to the source mentioned: the U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, November Voting and Registration Supplement: 2018 to 2022. This dataset from the U.S. Census Bureau can provide detailed information on voter turnout and the reasons for non-voting in the 2018 election.

To access this dataset and find out the specific factor that affected the most eligible voters, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website of the U.S. Census Bureau (
2. Use the search function on the website and search for the "Current Population Survey" or "CPS."
3. Look for the section or link related to the "November Voting and Registration Supplement" within the CPS data.
4. Once you find the relevant section, navigate to the data for the year 2018. This may involve selecting the appropriate year or searching within the dataset.
5. Explore the dataset for information about voter turnout and the reasons for non-voting in the 2018 election.
6. Look for specific data points or tables that provide information about the factors that prevented eligible voters from voting. This may include factors such as illness or disability, forgetting to vote, lack of interest, or being out of town.
7. Analyze the data to identify the factor that affected the largest number of eligible voters in the 2018 election.

By following these steps, you will be able to access the U.S. Census Bureau data and find the specific factor that kept the most eligible voters from voting in the 2018 election.