2.2738876345 x 10^8 x 1.077104669 x 10^8

The multiplication of 2.2738876345 x 10^8 and 1.077104669 x 10^8 is:

(2.2738876345 x 1.077104669) x 10^(8+8) = 2.448920273735015 x 10^16

To multiply numbers in scientific notation, you can simply multiply the two decimal numbers and add the exponents. In this case:

2.2738876345 x 10^8 x 1.077104669 x 10^8

Step 1: Multiply the decimal numbers:
2.2738876345 x 1.077104669 = 2.4506938767

Step 2: Add the exponents:
10^8 x 10^8 = 10^(8+8) = 10^16

Therefore, the result is:

2.2738876345 x 10^8 x 1.077104669 x 10^8 = 2.450693867 x 10^16

To multiply two numbers written in scientific notation, you can follow these steps:

1. Multiply the numerical coefficients (the values before the "x 10^") together.
In this case, multiply 2.2738876345 with 1.077104669:
2.2738876345 x 1.077104669 = 2.449489742 x 10^0

2. Add the exponents (the values after the "x 10^") together.
In this case, add 8 with 8:
8 + 8 = 16

3. Adjust the coefficient if needed.
If the coefficient is not within the range [1, 10), move the decimal point and adjust the exponent accordingly. In this case, the coefficient 2.449489742 is already between 1 and 10.

4. Write the final result in scientific notation.
The final result is 2.449489742 x 10^16.