Melissa Heller is an example of a _____ source?

(1 point)






The answer is "Secondary source."

To determine the type of source that Melissa Heller represents, we need to understand the characteristics of different types of sources. Let's break down the options:

1. Primary source: A primary source is an original piece of information or evidence that is directly associated with the topic being studied. This can include firsthand accounts, original research articles, speeches, letters, diaries, photographs, etc.

2. Secondary source: A secondary source is a document or interpretation that analyzes, summarizes, or interprets primary sources. Secondary sources are not directly associated with the topic but provide analysis or commentary based on primary sources. Examples of secondary sources include textbooks, scholarly articles, review papers, and documentaries.

3. Authentic source: The term "authentic source" is a bit broad and can be subjective. Authentic sources generally refer to sources that are genuine, reliable, and credible. They can be both primary or secondary sources, as long as they are trustworthy and accurately represent the information.

4. Official source: An official source typically refers to information that is authorized, endorsed, or verified by a recognized authority or organization. Examples can include government documents, official statistics, laws and regulations, official websites, and statements from reputable organizations.

Based on the given options, Melissa Heller does not fit the criteria for any specific type of source. However, the closest match would be an authentic source, as this term encompasses sources that are reliable and credible, regardless of being primary or secondary.