What’s the minimum number of primary sources a feature story should have?

(1 point)






The minimum number of primary sources a feature story should have is typically 2.

To determine the minimum number of primary sources a feature story should have, we can consider the importance of gathering multiple perspectives and ensuring accuracy in reporting. A primary source refers to a firsthand account or direct evidence related to the topic being discussed.

In general, it is recommended to have at least two primary sources for a feature story. This allows for a more comprehensive and well-rounded coverage of the subject. Two sources can provide different viewpoints, add depth to the story, and reduce the chances of bias or misinformation.

While having more than two primary sources can further enhance the reliability and credibility of the story, there is no specific minimum requirement beyond two. The number of sources may depend on various factors such as the depth of the story, the subject matter, and the availability of relevant sources.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question "What's the minimum number of primary sources a feature story should have?" is 2.