When creating this drawing, the artist recognized the basic shapes in this figure in order to


confuse the eye, making it difficult to draw.
record the various parts of the body accurately.
create a change in value.
ignore proportion and record the shape.

record the various parts of the body accurately.

The artist recognized the basic shapes in this figure in order to:

1. Record the various parts of the body accurately: By breaking down the figure into basic shapes, such as circles, squares, triangles, etc., the artist can accurately capture the proportions and placement of different body parts.

2. Ignore proportion and record the shape: By focusing on the basic shapes rather than detailed proportions, the artist might create a stylized or abstract representation of the figure, emphasizing the overall shape rather than precise measurements.

3. Create a change in value: By recognizing the basic shapes, the artist can also identify areas of light and shadow, allowing for the creation of a sense of depth and three-dimensionality through variations in value.

4. Confuse the eye, making it difficult to draw: This is less likely the reason for recognizing basic shapes, as understanding and breaking down the figure into basic shapes generally helps artists draw more accurately rather than confuse the eye.

When creating a drawing, recognizing the basic shapes in a figure can help the artist in several ways. In this specific case, the correct response would be to "record the various parts of the body accurately."

By understanding the basic shapes that make up the figure, the artist can break down the complex forms into simpler forms like circles, squares, triangles, or rectangles. This simplification allows the artist to better understand the structure and proportions of the figure they are drawing.

Once the basic shapes are recognized and sketched out, the artist can then add more details and refine the drawing. This process helps in accurately capturing the various parts of the body, such as the head, limbs, torso, etc.

By paying attention to the shapes and proportions, the artist can ensure that the figure looks accurate and realistic. It helps them avoid distorting the proportions or misrepresenting the body parts.

While recognizing basic shapes can indeed create a change in value (e.g., shading to create volume) and can also help an artist ignore proportion and record only the shape of the figure, the primary purpose in this case is to record the various parts of the body accurately.