For which of the following reasons would game designers include cutscenes in their games?

(1 point)

to provide a choose-your-own-adventure experience

to provide a choose-your-own-adventure experience

to sharpen the graphics of the game

to sharpen the graphics of the game

to advance the plot using non-interactive sequences

to advance the plot using non-interactive sequences

to provide a method for gamers to stop playing the game before the storyline is complete

to advance the plot using non-interactive sequences

Tariq is writing the code for his videogame using PlayCanvas. What type of conditional statement should Tariq use if an if statement has two potential outcomes?

(1 point)

switch statement

switch statement

if statement

if statement

if/else statement

if/else statement

causal statement

if/else statement

Dara is designing a videogame using PlayCanvas. Which type of conditional does Dara use to check if a condition is true before running a block of code?

(1 point)

if conditional

if conditional

switch conditional

switch conditional

design conditional

design conditional

variable conditional

if conditional

Game designers would include cutscenes in their games primarily to advance the plot using non-interactive sequences.

Game designers include cutscenes in their games for various reasons. In this case, the correct answer is "to advance the plot using non-interactive sequences." Cutscenes are pre-rendered or scripted sequences in a game that occur outside of player control, usually used to convey important story elements, character development, or significant events. By including cutscenes, game designers can present the narrative of the game in a cinematic manner, allowing players to follow the plot and gain a deeper understanding of the game's storyline. Cutscenes often use high-quality graphics to enhance immersion and provide a visually appealing experience. However, they are not primarily included to provide a choose-your-own-adventure experience or as a method for players to stop playing the game before completing the storyline.