3s +6 equal to or less than 5 (s +2)

To solve this inequality, we can start by simplifying both sides:

3s + 6 ≤ 5(s + 2)

Expanding the right side:

3s + 6 ≤ 5s + 10

Next, we want to isolate the variable s on one side of the inequality. We can start by subtracting 3s from both sides:

6 ≤ 2s + 10

Next, we can subtract 10 from both sides:

-4 ≤ 2s

Now, divide both sides by 2:

-2 ≤ s

Finally, it can be rewritten in a more commonly used form:

s ≥ -2

To solve the inequality 3s + 6 ≤ 5(s + 2), follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 5 to the terms inside the parentheses:
3s + 6 ≤ 5s + 10

Step 2: Simplify both sides of the inequality:
3s - 5s + 6 ≤ 5s - 5s + 10
-2s + 6 ≤ 10

Step 3: Move the constant term to the other side of the inequality by subtracting 6 from both sides:
-2s + 6 - 6 ≤ 10 - 6
-2s ≤ 4

Step 4: Divide both sides of the inequality by -2. Note that when dividing by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign changes:
(-2s)/(-2) ≥ (4)/(-2)
s ≥ -2

Therefore, the solution to the inequality 3s + 6 ≤ 5(s + 2) is s ≥ -2.

To solve the inequality 3s + 6 ≤ 5(s + 2), we need to simplify the expression and isolate the variable 's' on one side of the inequality sign. Here are the steps to solve it:

1. Distribute the 5 to the terms inside the parentheses:
3s + 6 ≤ 5s + 10

2. Subtract 3s from both sides to eliminate the variable from one side:
6 ≤ 2s + 10

3. Subtract 10 from both sides to isolate the term '2s':
-4 ≤ 2s

4. Now, divide both sides by 2 to solve for 's':
-2 ≤ s

The solution to the inequality is s ≥ -2. This means that any value of 's' greater than or equal to -2 will make the inequality true.