In 1974 Ola paid water rate of 2 naira 50 kobo. In 1975 the water rate was increased by 20%. How much did Ola pay as water rate in 1975?

To calculate the water rate in 1975, we need to find 20% of 2 naira 50 kobo and add it to the original amount.

First, let's convert 2 naira 50 kobo to kobo.
1 naira = 100 kobo
So, 2 naira = 2 * 100 kobo = 200 kobo

Thus, 2 naira 50 kobo is equal to 200 kobo + 50 kobo = 250 kobo.

Next, we need to find 20% of 250 kobo.
20% = 20/100 = 0.20
20% of 250 kobo = 0.20 * 250 kobo = 50 kobo

Finally, we add the 20% increase to the original water rate:
250 kobo + 50 kobo = 300 kobo

Therefore, Ola paid 300 kobo as water rate in 1975.

To find out how much Ola paid as water rate in 1975, we need to calculate the 20% increase on the water rate in 1974.

Step 1: Calculate 20% of 2 naira 50 kobo:
20% of 2 naira 50 kobo = (20/100) * 2.50 naira = 0.5 naira

Step 2: Add the 20% increase to the original water rate:
2 naira 50 kobo + 0.5 naira = 3 naira

Therefore, Ola paid 3 naira as water rate in 1975.

To find out how much Ola paid as water rate in 1975, we will first calculate the new water rate after the 20% increase, and then add this amount to the original water rate paid in 1974.

Step 1: Calculate the 20% increase
The increase is calculated by multiplying the original water rate by the percentage increase and then dividing by 100.
20% of 2 naira 50 kobo = (20/100) * 2.50
= 0.2 * 2.50
= 0.5 naira

Step 2: Add the increase to the original water rate
The new water rate in 1975 is obtained by adding the increase to the original water rate.
New water rate = Original water rate + Increase
= 2.50 + 0.50
= 3.00 naira

Therefore, Ola paid 3 naira as water rate in 1975.