8d + 2 < 5d-7

To solve the inequality 8d + 2 < 5d - 7, we first need to isolate the variable d on one side of the inequality.

Adding -5d to both sides of the inequality:

8d + 2 - 5d < 5d - 7 - 5d

Simplifying further:

3d + 2 < -7

Next, subtracting 2 from both sides of the inequality:

3d + 2 - 2 < -7 - 2

Simplifying further:

3d < -9

Finally, dividing both sides of the inequality by 3:

(3d)/3 < -9/3

Simplifying further:

d < -3

Therefore, the solution to the inequality 8d + 2 < 5d - 7 is d < -3.

To solve the inequality 8d + 2 < 5d - 7, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract 5d from both sides of the inequality to gather all the terms with "d" on one side:

8d + 2 - 5d < 5d - 7 - 5d

Simplifying this gives:

3d + 2 < -7

Step 2: Subtract 2 from both sides of the inequality to isolate the term with "d":

3d + 2 - 2 < -7 - 2

This simplifies to:

3d < -9

Step 3: Divide both sides of the inequality by 3 to solve for "d":

(3d)/3 < (-9)/3

This simplifies to:

d < -3

Therefore, the solution to the inequality 8d + 2 < 5d - 7 is d < -3.

To solve this inequality, we need to isolate the variable, "d" on one side of the inequality sign. Here's how:

First, let's simplify both sides of the inequality by combining like terms:

8d + 2 < 5d - 7

Next, let's move the terms with "d" to one side of the inequality and the constant terms to the other side. We can do this by subtracting 5d from both sides and adding 7 to both sides:

8d - 5d < -7 - 2

This simplifies to:

3d < -9

Now, we can isolate the variable "d" by dividing both sides of the inequality by 3:

(3d) / 3 < (-9) / 3

The inequality becomes:

d < -3

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is d is less than -3.