How did the discovery of gold in California impact western expansion?(1 point)


It caused many poor southerners to abandon slavery.
It caused many poor southerners to abandon slavery.

It added an additional slave state to the country.
It added an additional slave state to the country.

It accelerated migration to the West Coast.
It accelerated migration to the West Coast.

It led to an alliance between the United States and China.

It accelerated migration to the West Coast.

The correct response is:

It accelerated migration to the West Coast.

The correct answer is: It accelerated migration to the West Coast.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the context of the discovery of gold in California and its impact on western expansion. In the mid-19th century, the discovery of gold in California attracted a significant number of people from all over the United States and beyond. This event, known as the California Gold Rush, led to a rapid influx of settlers migrating westward.

The lure of gold caused a surge in population growth, as people sought to capitalize on the opportunity to strike it rich. Thousands of individuals, commonly referred to as "forty-niners," flocked to California in search of gold. The population boom generated by the Gold Rush played a crucial role in accelerating the process of western expansion.

As more and more people migrated to the West Coast, the demand for infrastructure, such as roads, towns, and businesses, increased. The growth of these industries and settlements led to the establishment of new territories and states, shaping the landscape of the West.

Therefore, the discovery of gold in California had a profound impact on western expansion by fueling a rapid migration of people to the region.