Some flatworms reproduce through fragmentation. What is a disadvantage of this method? (1 point)

It is a much more
• complex process than sexual reproduction.
It is a process that
O leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.
It is a process that does not result in
O many offspring relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a very slow
• process relative to sexual reproduction.

It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.

The disadvantage of reproduction through fragmentation is that it leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.

The disadvantage of reproduction through fragmentation in flatworms is that it leads to lower genetic diversity compared to sexual reproduction. To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the process of fragmentation.

Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction where an organism breaks into multiple pieces, and each piece grows into a new individual. In flatworms, this can occur when the organism is physically damaged or cut into pieces intentionally or accidentally.

When a flatworm reproduces through fragmentation, the new individuals are essentially clones of the original organism. Since there is no exchange of genetic material, the genetic diversity among the offspring remains low. This lack of genetic diversity can be problematic if there are changes in the environment or the presence of diseases. With limited genetic variation, the offspring may have reduced adaptability and be more susceptible to environmental challenges or the spread of diseases.

In contrast, sexual reproduction allows for the exchange and recombination of genetic material between individuals, resulting in genetically diverse offspring. This genetic diversity provides a better chance for adaptation and survival in changing environments.

Therefore, the disadvantage of fragmentation as a method of reproduction in flatworms is the lower genetic diversity compared to sexual reproduction.