What note is half of the duration of a semibreathe

A note that is half the duration of a semibreve is called a minim.

A semibreve (also known as a whole note) is a note that lasts for four beats in common time. To find a note that is half the duration of a semibreve, we need to divide the duration by 2.

A minim (also known as a half note) is a note that lasts for two beats in common time. Therefore, a minim is half the duration of a semibreve.

To determine the note that is half the duration of a semibreve, we need to understand the basics of musical notation. In Western music notation, there are several note values that represent different durations: whole note (semibreve), half note (minim), quarter note (crotchet), eighth note (quaver), and so on.

A semibreve is typically considered the reference for note duration. It is notated as an open oval shape, and its duration varies depending on the tempo of the music. To find the note that is half the duration of a semibreve, we need to keep in mind that note values divide the duration in half as we move down the scale.

The note that is half the duration of a semibreve is a minim (also known as a half note). A minim is represented by a filled-in oval shape. In comparison to a semibreve, it has half the duration. In other words, two minims equal one semibreve.

So, in summary, a minim is the note that has half the duration of a semibreve.