Which of the following is the most common disadvantage of commission-based compensation systems?

They may not reward performance.

They can be too subjective.

They may not develop skills.

They can cause internal competition.

D. They can cause internal competition.

The most common disadvantage of commission-based compensation systems is D. They can cause internal competition.

To determine the most common disadvantage of commission-based compensation systems, let's analyze each option:

A. They may not reward performance: This disadvantage suggests that commission-based compensation systems might not effectively incentivize or recognize employees' performance and hard work.

B. They can be too subjective: This disadvantage implies that commission-based compensation systems may rely on subjective judgments or evaluations, creating potential biases or inconsistencies in determining commissions.

C. They may not develop skills: This disadvantage indicates that commission-based compensation systems might not incentivize employees to develop new skills or acquire more knowledge since their compensation is primarily tied to sales or specific outcomes.

D. They can cause internal competition: This disadvantage states that commission-based compensation systems may foster competitiveness among employees, which could potentially harm teamwork or collaboration within an organization.

To identify the most common disadvantage, we need to consider the prevalence or frequency of occurrence in commission-based compensation systems. While it is challenging to provide a definitive answer without specific data, a common observation is that option C, "They may not develop skills," is often cited as a significant drawback of commission-based compensation systems. This is because employees may prioritize meeting targets or making sales rather than focusing on personal development or expanding their skill set.

However, it's important to note that the dominance of this disadvantage may vary across industries and organizations. To obtain a more accurate answer, it would be advisable to conduct thorough research, consult industry experts, and analyze specific data on commission-based compensation systems.