Which of the following statements best explains why the Framers may have included the elastic clause in the Constitution?(1 point) Responses to ensure that Congress had sufficient powers to carry out the expressed powers to ensure that Congress had sufficient powers to carry out the expressed powers to ensure that Congress could create a national bank to ensure that Congress could create a national bank to ensure that Congress did not get too much power to ensure that Congress did not get too much power to ensure that Congress had sufficient powers to carry out the implied powers

The statement that best explains why the Framers may have included the elastic clause in the Constitution is: Responses to ensure that Congress had sufficient powers to carry out the implied powers.

The best explanation for why the Framers may have included the elastic clause in the Constitution is to ensure that Congress had sufficient powers to carry out the expressed powers and implied powers.

The elastic clause, also known as the Necessary and Proper Clause, is found in Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United States Constitution. It grants Congress the authority to make all laws that are necessary and proper to carry out its enumerated powers. The inclusion of this clause was based on several factors and intentions of the Framers.

One main reason the Framers included the elastic clause was to ensure that Congress had sufficient powers to carry out its expressed powers. The expressed powers, also known as enumerated powers, are specifically listed in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. These powers include the ability to regulate commerce, coin money, declare war, and establish post offices, among others. By including the elastic clause, the Framers acknowledged that Congress may need to employ additional powers beyond those expressly stated in order to effectively carry out its responsibilities.

Another reason for including the elastic clause was to ensure that Congress could create a national bank. While not explicitly mentioning a national bank in the Constitution, the Framers recognized the importance of having a centralized financial institution to manage the nation's finances. By granting Congress the power to make laws necessary and proper for executing its enumerated powers, including the power to regulate commerce and coin money, the Framers indirectly provided the authority for Congress to establish a national bank.

Additionally, the elastic clause was included to ensure that Congress did not have too much power. The Framers were cautious about preventing any one branch of government from becoming too dominant. They believed in a system of checks and balances, where each branch had its own set of powers to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. The elastic clause helped strike this balance by giving Congress the necessary flexibility to carry out its responsibilities while still operating within defined limits.

In summary, the elastic clause was included in the Constitution to ensure that Congress had sufficient powers to carry out its expressed powers, including the ability to create a national bank. It also served as a mechanism to prevent Congress from obtaining excessive power by allowing for the necessary and proper exercise of powers within defined limits.