Nigel is selling candy bars for his outdoor club He is averaging 4 bars every 3 days. If he continues at this rate, how many days will it take to sell his box of 367 Your answer should be a whole number (1 point)

If Nigel is selling 4 candy bars every 3 days, it means he is selling 4/3 = <<4/3=1.3333333333333333>>1.33 candy bars per day.

To sell 367 candy bars, it will take him 367 / 1.33 = <<367/1.33=275.93984962406014>>275.94 days.
Since Nigel cannot sell a fraction of a day, he will need 276 days to sell his box of 367 candy bars. Answer: \boxed{276}.

To find out how many days it will take Nigel to sell his box of 367 candy bars, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

4 bars are sold every 3 days. So, 1 bar is sold every 3/4 days.
Let x represent the number of days it will take to sell 367 bars.
Setting up the proportion:
1 bar / (3/4 days) = 367 bars / x days
To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:
1 * x = (3/4) * 367
x = (3/4) * 367
x = 275.25 days
Since the answer should be a whole number, we round up to the nearest whole number.
Therefore, it will take Nigel approximately 276 days to sell his box of 367 candy bars.

To find out how many days it will take Nigel to sell his box of 367 candy bars, we can use the average rate of 4 bars every 3 days.

First, we can calculate the number of bars Nigel sells per day since we want to find the number of days it takes to sell the box.

To find the number of bars sold per day, we can divide the average rate by the number of days:

4 bars/ 3 days = 1.33 bars/day (approximately)

Since we can't sell fractional candy bars, we can round this number down to the nearest whole number. Thus, Nigel sells 1 candy bar per day.

Now, to calculate the number of days it will take him to sell the box of 367 candy bars, we can divide the total number of candy bars by the number of bars Nigel sells per day:

367 bars / 1 bar/day = 367 days

Therefore, it will take Nigel 367 days to sell his box of 367 candy bars.