A car uses petrol at the rate of 8km per litre. How much petrol would a car use for a journey of 72km of this rate

For a journey of 72km, the car would use petrol at a rate of 8 km per litre.

Therefore, the car would use petrol in the amount of:

(72 km) / (8 km per litre) = 9 litres.

So, the car would use 9 litres of petrol for a journey of 72km.

To find out how much petrol the car would use for a journey of 72 km at a rate of 8 km per litre, you need to divide the distance traveled by the rate of fuel consumption.

First, divide the distance of the journey by the rate of fuel consumption:

72 km ÷ 8 km/litre = 9 litres of petrol.

Therefore, the car would use 9 litres of petrol for a journey of 72 km at a rate of 8 km per litre.

To determine the amount of petrol a car would use for a journey of 72 km at a rate of 8 km per litre, we can use a simple calculation.

First, we divide the distance of the journey (72 km) by the fuel consumption rate (8 km per litre) to find the amount of petrol required:

72 km ÷ 8 km per litre = 9 litres

Therefore, a car would use 9 litres of petrol for a journey of 72 km at a rate of 8 km per litre.