In three to five sentences, explain how you would conduct an experiment to investigate the relationship between the applied force and the displacement of the spring, and describe its expected results.(4 points)

To investigate the relationship between the applied force and the displacement of the spring, I would set up a simple experiment using a spring and a force sensor. I would attach the force sensor to one end of the spring and connect it to a data collection device.

Next, I would start applying different amounts of force to the spring and record the corresponding displacements on the data collection device. I would repeat this process multiple times for each force level.

Based on the theory of Hooke's Law, which states that the displacement of a spring is directly proportional to the applied force, I would expect to observe a linear relationship between the applied force and the displacement of the spring. In other words, as the applied force increases, the displacement of the spring should also increase in a linear manner.

To investigate the relationship between the applied force and the displacement of a spring, you can set up a simple experiment using a spring, a ruler, and various weights. First, attach the spring vertically and measure its initial length using the ruler. Then, apply different weights to the spring one at a time and record the corresponding displacement of the spring from its initial position. Repeat this process for multiple weights. The expected results will show that as the applied force (weight) increases, the displacement of the spring will also increase. This relationship is known as Hooke's Law, which states that the displacement of a spring is directly proportional to the force applied to it.

To investigate the relationship between applied force and displacement of a spring, you can set up an experiment as follows:

1. Start by attaching a spring to a sturdy support and hanging a mass hanger on its free end.
2. Measure the initial displacement of the spring when no force is applied.
3. Gradually apply forces of increasing magnitude by adding different masses to the hanger, while recording the corresponding displacements of the spring.
4. Repeat the experiment multiple times to ensure accuracy.

The expected results will demonstrate a linear relationship between the applied force and the displacement of the spring. As the applied force increases, the displacement of the spring will also increase proportionally. This is known as Hooke's Law, which states that the displacement of a spring is directly proportional to the force applied to it, as long as the elastic limit of the spring is not exceeded.