To come up with synonyms for the words she used frequently, Celina should consult a thesaurus. She can use the variety of alternative words in this resource to add variety and interest to her essay.

But Mike would profit from consulting a grammar and parts of speech manual. When attempting to incorporate more interesting vocabulary into his essay, he can learn the proper usage of various words and make sure that he uses the right part of speech by consulting this reference source.
Last but not least, Toni should look up the definitions of the words she used in a dictionary. This will assist her in ensuring that the word meanings match the ideas she wished to convey in her essay, removing any room for misunderstanding or error.

By using a dictionary, Toni can verify that she is using the words correctly and accurately in her essay. This will eliminate any confusion or mistakes that may arise from using the wrong definitions or connotations.

Here are the step-by-step instructions for each person:

1. Identify the words she uses frequently in her essay.
2. Make a list of these words.
3. Search for a thesaurus online or use a physical copy if available.
4. Look up each word in the thesaurus.
5. Find alternative words with similar meanings and write them down.
6. Incorporate these alternative words into her essay to add variety and interest.

1. Identify the areas of grammar and parts of speech that he struggles with.
2. Determine the specific words he wants to use in his essay.
3. Search for a grammar and parts of speech manual online or use a physical copy if available.
4. Consult the manual to learn the proper usage and part of speech for each word.
5. Make notes or create a list of the correct usage and parts of speech for reference.
6. Incorporate the interesting vocabulary into his essay, ensuring that he uses the correct part of speech based on the manual's guidance.

1. Identify the words she used in her essay that she is unsure of or wants to clarify.
2. Make a list of these words.
3. Search for an online dictionary or use a physical dictionary if available.
4. Look up each word in the dictionary.
5. Read the definitions and any additional information provided for each word.
6. Ensure that the word meanings align with the ideas she wanted to convey in her essay.
7. Make any necessary changes to remove any room for misunderstanding or error in her essay.

To come up with synonyms for frequently used words, Celina should consult a thesaurus. A thesaurus is a reference tool that provides alternative words or phrases with similar meanings to the word being searched. By using a thesaurus, Celina can add variety and interest to her essay by replacing repetitive words with more diverse alternatives.

For Mike, who wants to incorporate more interesting vocabulary into his essay, consulting a grammar and parts of speech manual would be beneficial. A grammar and parts of speech manual acts as a reference source that provides rules and guidelines for proper word usage and sentence structure. By referring to this resource, Mike can learn the appropriate usage of various words and ensure that he uses the correct part of speech, enhancing the overall quality of his essay.

Lastly, Toni should look up the definitions of the words she used in a dictionary. A dictionary is a comprehensive reference tool that provides the meanings, pronunciations, and sometimes the origins of words. By referring to a dictionary, Toni can clarify the definitions of the words she used and ensure that they accurately convey the ideas she intended in her essay. This helps to eliminate any potential misunderstandings or errors in her writing.

By utilizing these reference sources, Celina, Mike, and Toni can enhance their essays by expanding their vocabulary, improving word choice, and ensuring the accurate conveyance of ideas.