Which part of an informative essay helps the reader both see and hear the information?

A: graphics
B: headings
C: classification
D: multimedia

D: multimedia

The part of an informative essay that helps the reader both see and hear the information is option D: multimedia. Multimedia refers to the use of various forms of media such as images, videos, and audio to enhance the reader's understanding and engagement with the content. Including multimedia in an essay can provide visual aids, auditory elements, and interactive components that help convey information effectively to the reader.

The correct answer is D: multimedia.

Multimedia refers to the use of various forms of media such as images, videos, audio recordings, and interactive elements to enhance the content of an informative essay. It helps the reader both see and hear the information being conveyed.

To identify this answer, you can look for clues within the question itself, which mentions the term "see and hear." Additionally, understanding the purpose of multimedia in an informative essay, which is to engage the reader's senses through visual and auditory elements, is important.