Read the passage from “Initiation.”

The door behind her opened and a ray of light sliced across the soft gloom of the basement room.

"Hey Millicent, come on out now. This is it." There were some of the girls outside.

"I'm coming," she said, getting up and moving out of the soft darkness into the glare of light, thinking: This is it, all right. The worst part, the hardest part, the part of initiation that I figured out myself.

The passage provides evidence that Millicent has just overcome what kind of conflict?

character vs. character
character vs. nature
character vs. self
character vs. society

The passage provides evidence that Millicent has just overcome a character vs. self conflict.

The passage from "Initiation" suggests that Millicent has just overcome a character vs. self conflict. She refers to the part of initiation that she "figured out herself," implying an internal struggle or personal challenge that she has successfully overcome.

The passage from “Initiation” suggests that Millicent has just overcome a character vs. self conflict. This is evident from the line "This is it, all right. The worst part, the hardest part, the part of initiation that I figured out myself." This indicates that she has endured a difficult internal struggle and overcame it on her own. The conflict she faced was not with another character, not with nature, and not with society, but rather with her own thoughts and feelings.