Fill in the blank

-______ bacteria are shaped like spirals.
A. Cocci
B. Bacilli
C. Vibrio
D. Spirilla ** ( my answer)

Is my answer correct?

Yes, your answer is correct. Spirilla bacteria are shaped like spirals.

Yes, your answer is correct. Spirilla bacteria are shaped like spirals.

Yes, your answer is correct! Spirilla bacteria are shaped like spirals.

To determine the correct answer, you can use your knowledge of bacterial morphology or consult a reliable source such as a microbiology textbook or reputable website. In this case, knowing the different shapes of bacteria can help you identify the correct option. For example:

- Cocci bacteria are spherical or round in shape.
- Bacilli bacteria are rod-shaped.
- Vibrio bacteria are curved like a comma or a kidney bean.
- Spirilla bacteria are spiral-shaped, either rigid or flexible.

By understanding the various shapes and characteristics of bacteria, you can accurately identify the correct answer.