Factor the expression completely.

70, x, to the power 5 , plus, 100, x
70x^5 +100x

To factor the expression completely, we can factor out the greatest common factor, which is 10x:

10x(7x^4 + 10)

To factor "70x^5 + 100x" completely, we can factor out the greatest common factor (GCF) and then apply the distributive property.

Step 1: Find the GCF of the terms "70x^5" and "100x".
The GCF of 70 and 100 is 10, and the GCF of x^5 and x is x. Therefore, the GCF is 10x.

Step 2: Factor out the GCF from each term.
70x^5 + 100x = 10x(7x^4 + 10)

So the completely factored expression is "10x(7x^4 + 10)".

To factor the expression 70x^5 + 100x completely, we can first factor out the greatest common factor (GCF) common to both terms, which in this case is 10x:

70x^5 + 100x = 10x(7x^4 + 10)

Now we can see if there are any further factors within the parentheses. In this case, we can factor out a GCF of 10 from the expression 7x^4 + 10:

7x^4 + 10 = 10(0.7x^4 + 1)

Therefore, the completely factored expression is:

70x^5 + 100x = 10x(7x^4 + 10) = 10x(0.7x^4 + 1)