The mass of eight apples is 1 200g. What is the mass of one apple?

To find the mass of one apple, we divide the total mass of eight apples (1,200g) by the number of apples.

Mass of one apple = Total mass / Number of apples
Mass of one apple = 1,200g / 8

Mass of one apple = 150g

Therefore, the mass of one apple is 150g.

To find the mass of one apple, you need to divide the total mass of eight apples by the number of apples.

1. Determine the total mass of eight apples: 1,200g
2. Divide the total mass by the number of apples (eight): 1,200g ÷ 8 = 150g

Therefore, the mass of one apple is 150g.

To find the mass of one apple, you need to divide the mass of eight apples by the number of apples. In this case, the mass of eight apples is 1,200 grams. So, you divide 1,200 grams by 8 apples.

Using division, we can calculate:

1,200 grams ÷ 8 apples = 150 grams

Therefore, each apple has a mass of 150 grams.