What is the definition of the scientific method?(1 point)


the method scientists use to publish their work
the method scientists use to publish their work

the method by which a theory is deemed correct through a vote of responsible scientists
the method by which a theory is deemed correct through a vote of responsible scientists

the process by which a theory is supported with observation and experimentation
the process by which a theory is supported with observation and experimentation

the process by which a scientific discipline is accepted by scientists
the process by which a scientific discipline is accepted by scientists

the process by which a theory is supported with observation and experimentation

The correct response is:

the process by which a theory is supported with observation and experimentation.

The correct answer is: the process by which a theory is supported with observation and experimentation.

The scientific method is a systematic approach that scientists use to investigate and understand the natural world. It involves several steps that help ensure objectivity, accuracy, and reliability in scientific research.

To arrive at the correct answer, one must understand the key components of the scientific method. Scientists begin by observing a phenomenon or asking a research question. Next, they formulate a hypothesis, which is a testable explanation for the observed phenomenon. The next step involves designing and conducting experiments or gathering empirical data to test the hypothesis. The data collected is then analyzed and interpreted, leading to the formation of conclusions. These conclusions are used to support or reject the original hypothesis.

By following this process of observation, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, data analysis, and conclusion drawing, scientists can build a body of knowledge that is supported by empirical evidence. This systematic and rigorous approach distinguishes science from other forms of inquiry and helps ensure that scientific findings are reliable and trustworthy.

Therefore, the correct definition of the scientific method is "the process by which a theory is supported with observation and experimentation."