Explain what the moral or ethical issues are in the story.

Provide textual evidence to support your answer.

To accurately identify the moral or ethical issues in a story, I would need specific information about the story you are referring to. Please provide the name or some context of the story so that I can assist you better.

To identify the moral or ethical issues in a story, it would be helpful to have some context about the specific story you are referring to. Please provide the title or a brief summary of the story so I can assist you further.

To identify the moral or ethical issues in a story, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Read the story carefully: Start by reading the story or text in question to gain a thorough understanding of the plot and its characters. Pay attention to any conflicts, dilemmas, or choices made by the characters.

2. Identify the values in the story: Reflect on the underlying values the story presents. Consider aspects such as honesty, justice, compassion, responsibility, or consequences of actions.

3. Analyze character actions: As you read, observe the actions, decisions, and behavior of the characters. Think about whether their choices align with the accepted moral or ethical principles.

4. Consider the consequences: Reflect on the consequences of the characters' actions and decisions. Evaluate whether their choices lead to positive or negative outcomes for themselves or others.

5. Look for textual evidence: To support your analysis, find specific passages, dialogues, or actions from the story that highlight moral or ethical issues. These can serve as evidence to back up your claims.

Here's an example of how to apply these steps in analyzing a story:

Let's consider the short story "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant. This story revolves around a woman named Mathilde Loisel who borrows an expensive necklace from a wealthy friend and then loses it. She spends years working to repay the debt incurred in replacing the necklace, only to find out it was actually a fake.

An ethical issue present in this story is the theme of dishonesty and its consequences. Mathilde initially chooses not to tell her friend about losing the necklace, leading to further deceit as she goes into debt trying to replace it. The story portrays the moral dilemma of whether it is better to be honest, risking the reaction of others, or to maintain a facade and deceive others.

A key passage that supports this interpretation is when Mathilde's husband, Monsieur Loisel, urges her to reveal the truth to their friend:

"But it annoys me, it disappoints me, it upsets me! I wish to know what you have done with the necklace."

In this dialogue, Monsieur Loisel expresses his frustration and desire for honesty. His words highlight the ethical issue of transparency and the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions.

By following these steps and locating textual evidence, you can analyze the moral or ethical issues in any story.