Which code snippet is a function that would accept two numbers, subtract them, and return the difference?(1 point)


def subtract(a,b):

def subtract(a,b): return(a,b)

def subtract(a,b):

def subtract(a,b): return(a)

def subtract(a,b):

def subtract(a,b): return(a-b)

def subtract(a,b):


The correct code snippet is:

def subtract(a,b):

The correct code snippet is:

def subtract(a,b):

The correct code snippet for a function that accepts two numbers, subtracts them, and returns the difference is:

def subtract(a, b):
return(a - b)

To find the correct code snippet, we need to understand the requirements of the function. The function should accept two numbers, subtract them, and return the difference.

Looking at the options provided, we can see that there are multiple snippets to choose from. To identify the correct one, we can analyze each option:

Option 1: `return(a, b)`
This option returns both numbers instead of their difference, so it is not the correct answer.

Option 2: `return(a, b)`
This option is the same as the previous one and returns both numbers instead of their difference, so it is not the correct answer.

Option 3: `return(a)`
This option only returns the first number (`a`) instead of their difference, so it is not the correct answer.

Option 4: `return(a)`
This option is the same as the previous one and only returns the first number (`a`) instead of their difference, so it is not the correct answer.

Option 5: `return(a-b)`
This option subtracts `b` from `a` and returns their difference, so it is the correct answer.

Option 6: `return(b)`
This option only returns the second number (`b`) instead of their difference, so it is not the correct answer.

Based on the analysis, option 5 (`return(a - b)`) is the correct code snippet that fulfills the requirements of accepting two numbers, subtracting them, and returning the difference.