How did Mussolini apply imperialism to promote fascism in Italy during the 1930s? (1 point)

A.Italian forces conquered the northeastern African nation of Ethiopia

B.Italian forces gained control of Morocco in North Africa after defeating Franco's forces.

C.Italian forces invaded the Soviet Union in an attempt to eliminate communism

D.Italian forces conquered Japan after it joined the Axis alliance.

A. Italian forces conquered the northeastern African nation of Ethiopia

A. Italian forces conquered the northeastern African nation of Ethiopia.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option and see how Mussolini applied imperialism to promote fascism in Italy during the 1930s.

A. Italian forces conquered the northeastern African nation of Ethiopia: This answer option is correct. Mussolini sought to establish an Italian empire by expanding into Africa. In 1935, Italian forces invaded Ethiopia and successfully conquered the country in 1936. This conquest promoted fascism in Italy by enhancing Mussolini's popularity as a powerful leader and by satisfying Italian nationalist sentiments.

B. Italian forces gained control of Morocco in North Africa after defeating Franco's forces: This statement is incorrect. Morocco was a French protectorate during the 1930s, and Mussolini did not attempt to gain control of this region.

C. Italian forces invaded the Soviet Union in an attempt to eliminate communism: This statement is also incorrect. Mussolini did not invade the Soviet Union during the 1930s. While Mussolini saw communism as a threat, his focus was on strengthening the Italian Fascist regime and expanding Italian influence in Africa, rather than directly attacking communism in the Soviet Union.

D. Italian forces conquered Japan after it joined the Axis alliance: This statement is historically inaccurate. Italy and Japan were part of the Axis alliance during World War II, but Italy did not conquer Japan.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Italian forces conquered the northeastern African nation of Ethiopia.