Scale: 1box = 15feot

Convert this scale drawing so that it has a scale of 1box = 5 feet. The width in the scale drawing shown is 2 boxes.

What will be the width in boxes of the new scale drawing?

To convert the scale drawing from 1 box = 15 feet to 1 box = 5 feet, we need to adjust the scale.

The original scale ratio is 1 box = 15 feet.
The new scale ratio is 1 box = 5 feet.

To find the width in boxes of the new scale drawing, we can set up a proportion:

Width in boxes / Width in feet = Original scale ratio / New scale ratio

Let's denote the width in boxes of the new scale drawing as x.

We can set up the proportion as follows:

x / 2 boxes = 15 feet / 5 feet

Now, we can solve for x:

x = 2 boxes * (15 feet / 5 feet)
x = 2 boxes * 3
x = 6 boxes

Therefore, the width in boxes of the new scale drawing is 6 boxes.

To convert the scale from 1 box = 15 feet to 1 box = 5 feet, we need to multiply the width in boxes by the conversion factor.

The conversion factor is used to find the new width in boxes:

1 box (new scale) / 15 feet (old scale) * 2 boxes (old scale) = 2/15 * 2 = 4/15

Therefore, the width in boxes of the new scale drawing will be 4/15.

To convert the scale drawing from a scale of 1 box = 15 feet to a scale of 1 box = 5 feet, we need to adjust the proportion of the scale.

The proportion for the original scale drawing is:
1 box / 15 feet = 2 boxes / width

To find the width of the original scale drawing in feet, we can rearrange the proportion:
width = (15 feet * 2 boxes) / 1 box
width = 30 feet

Now that we know the width of the original scale drawing is 30 feet, we can find the width of the new scale drawing.

The proportion for the new scale drawing is:
1 box / 5 feet = ? boxes / 30 feet

To find the width of the new scale drawing in boxes, we can rearrange the proportion:
? boxes = (5 feet * 30 feet) / 1 box
? boxes = 150 feet / 1 box
? boxes = 150

Therefore, the width of the new scale drawing will be 150 boxes.