The chemical formula for carbonic acid is H2CO3

. How many compounds are represented by this formula?





The chemical formula for carbonic acid, H2CO3, represents only one compound.

The chemical formula for carbonic acid is H2CO3. To determine the number of compounds represented by this formula, we need to analyze the elements and their subscripts.

In this formula, we have three elements: hydrogen (H), carbon (C), and oxygen (O). The subscripts indicate the number of atoms of each element present in the compound.

The subscript 2 for hydrogen (H2) means that there are two hydrogen atoms.

The subscript 1 for carbon (C) means that there is one carbon atom.

The subscript 3 for oxygen (O3) means that there are three oxygen atoms.

By multiplying the subscripts, we can calculate the total number of atoms for each element:

H: 2 * 2 = 4 atoms
C: 1 atom
O: 3 * 3 = 9 atoms

Now, let's consider the combinations of these elements and their atoms.

Since there are four hydrogen atoms, we can have different arrangements of these atoms to form multiple compounds.

Likewise, with the nine oxygen atoms, we have multiple possibilities of how they can combine with the carbon and hydrogen atoms.

Therefore, the chemical formula H2CO3 represents multiple compounds.

The correct answer is 3 - three compounds are represented by the formula H2CO3.