Which illustrates how the establishment of missions impacted the economic development of Texas?(1 point)


The missions brought Indigenous groups, who helped the Spanish learn to farm.
The missions brought Indigenous groups, who helped the Spanish learn to farm.

The missions brought the Spanish, who introduced Indigenous groups to pottery and art.
The missions brought the Spanish, who introduced Indigenous groups to pottery and art.

The missions brought the Spanish, who introduced Indigenous groups to horses and new crops.
The missions brought the Spanish, who introduced Indigenous groups to horses and new crops.

The missions brought the Spanish, who introduced Indigenous peoples to hunting.

The missions brought the Spanish, who introduced Indigenous groups to horses and new crops.

The correct response is:

The missions brought the Spanish, who introduced Indigenous groups to horses and new crops.

To determine which option illustrates how the establishment of missions impacted the economic development of Texas, we can analyze each response:

1. "The missions brought Indigenous groups, who helped the Spanish learn to farm."
This response suggests that the Indigenous groups at the missions assisted the Spanish in learning farming techniques. This collaboration could have positively affected the economic development of Texas by introducing agricultural practices that could increase food production.

2. "The missions brought the Spanish, who introduced Indigenous groups to pottery and art."
While learning pottery and art might have cultural significance, it might not directly relate to economic development unless these skills were leveraged to generate income through trade or tourism.

3. "The missions brought the Spanish, who introduced Indigenous groups to horses and new crops."
This response implies that the Spanish introduced horses and new crops to the Indigenous groups, which could have significant economic implications. The introduction of horses could have facilitated transportation and increased productivity, while the introduction of new crops could have expanded agricultural opportunities.

4. "The missions brought the Spanish, who introduced Indigenous peoples to hunting."
While hunting might have been a skill shared between the Spanish and Indigenous peoples, it might not have had a substantial impact on economic development unless hunting was tied to trade or provided valuable resources.

Based on the above analysis, option 3, "The missions brought the Spanish, who introduced Indigenous groups to horses and new crops," appears to best illustrate how the establishment of missions impacted the economic development of Texas.